Did you hug someone today?

….and My Story Runs On….

Today is National Hugging Day.  Sometimes I think these “holidays” can get out of control but for someone who loves to hug, I’m happy to celebrate this day!

I love hugs so much that I did a speech on ChiHugs a few years ago in my Toasmaster club.   Why do I love hugs?  Just read the info in the photos below….why wouldn’t I love hugs?!


If you want to learn how to give a really good hug “you want to set up the conditions for energy to flow between you and the other person. It’s great to give warmth and love and also make the other person feel welcome and received by you. “

I based my speech on my most favorite article on the ChiRunning website, ChiHugs.  This is about hugging with purpose.  There are a lot more tips in this article so you can go read them there.

But please don’t underestimate the POWER of an awesome ChiHug!

Based on the quote in the above photo from Virginia Satir (author and psychotherapist), I DARE YOU TO TRY AND GET 8- 12 HUGS A DAY!

From My Running Story to Yours….
(if you feel inspired to share your comments, do so below…I want to hear your story too!)

0 thoughts on “Did you hug someone today?

  1. An emotional hug is about sincere love and affection between between two people who care for each other and is mutually exclusive from “technique” and “perception” (and often romance). Any other hug is simply an advanced form of handshake. Chi hugging sounds like a technique.

      • Read every word. Read all your stuff. Did you read or just react to my comment. You seem to have an obsession with yourself that shuts off objectivity when you react to an alternative view.

        • Funny, I thought the same about your response. I love to hear other people’s opinions or I wouldn’t have a blog. Obviously we come from 2 very different perspectives, backgrounds, etc where we can read an article have 2 entirely different opinions.

  2. Pingback: Grateful for Hugs (TY-31) | A Kiss Of Bliss

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