TRU TRIBE Member Spotlight: Brandy Aguilar

Every week we highlight one of our members from the TRU TRIBE Run Team. Meet Brandy Aguilar.  If we can do it, so can you!

Why did you start running?
I started after doing a story on a good friend as she trained for the Rock ‘n’ Roll Arizona marathon. I followed her for six months and got inspired to run. My first half marathon was in 2005.

What age did you start running?
28 – It has been off and on over the years☺

How old are you now?

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far from your running journey?
The biggest lesson I have learned is to be patient and not get frustrated when I feel like I’m the slowest person during a race. I have found that staying positive helps me cross the finish line.

What advice would you give a beginner runner?
My advice would be to let those negative thoughts go when you find yourself saying you’re not a runner.

What would you do differently knowing what you know now?
I would have found a coach like Lisa or joined a group like the TRU TRIBE when I started out on my running journey:) We all have a different story on why we put on our running shoes, but what we have in common is helping each other find our way to the finish line and what better way to do it than with your TRU TRIBE by your side.

What is your longest race distance and why?
My longest distance is 26.2 miles. I did the NYC Marathon back in 2006☺ .

Do you have a bucket list race or distance?
My goal is to do another marathon. I think it would be fun to do it on a trail and at night!

What has been your favorite race and/or distance so far?
One of my favorite races is Ragnar Trail Arizona. I love my team and how we encourage one another to do our best. I also enjoy the atmosphere of being around all the other teams and my favorite part is running at 2 a.m. I feel a sense of peace during that time and that I don’t have a worry in the world☺

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite post race food and drink?
Chocolate Milk and Donuts!

Anything else you want to share with the TRU TRIBE Run Team.
“Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who don’t and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said it’d be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.” Dr. Seuss

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TRU TRIBE Member Spotlight: Tricia Faragher

Every week we highlight one of our members from the TRU TRIBE Run Team. Meet Tricia Faragher.  If we can do it, so can you!

Why did you start running?
I never thought I would even start running because I felt I didn’t have enough endurance for this sport. One day I was invited by friends to participate in a city activity (which involved running or walking) and I loved it! I loved the ambiance, the energy and the accomplishment I felt at the end. With time I learned about all the benefits of running, so I decided to give it a go.

What age did you start running?
I started at 37, although I was not very consistent.

How old are you now?
I am 40 now.

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far from your running journey?
It is a process and I need to be patient. When negative thoughts like “you are not a runner” or “you are so slow” come to my head, I do my best to remember that it takes time, especially because I just barely started running consistently.

What advice would you give a beginner runner?
Stay away from the no pain no gain mentality. Progress takes time and patience. Be kind to your self and always honor your body.

What would you do differently knowing what you know now?
I would have started running much earlier in my life.

What is your longest race distance and why?
10K would be my longest distance. My goal is to increase my miles (or kilometers) and maybe one day become an ultra runner. .

Do you have a bucket list race or distance?
Next on my list would be a half marathon, but eventually I would like to run a full marathon. I would love to run a marathon in Finland.

What has been your favorite race and/or distance so far?
I have only done a bunch of 5K (I will run my first 10K this week). I would say my favorite race has been the Temple to Temple run here in Provo, Utah. We run to remember our ancestors and the impact they have had in our lives.

What is your favorite color?
I like purple actually 🙂

What is your favorite post race food and drink?
a delicious acai bowl!

Anything else you want to share with the TRU TRIBE Run Team.
You gals are very inspiring! I really like the energy and the support of this group. I know I still need to interact more with you all. I hope to visit AZ soon!

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TRU TRIBE Member Spotlight: Beth Arlinsky

Every week we highlight one of our members from the TRU TRIBE Run Team. Meet Beth Arlinsky.  If we can do it, so can you!

Why did you start running?
Around 2008

What age did you start running?

How old are you now?

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far from your running journey?
That when I get stressed or upset, all I need to feel better is running and hiking with friends I care about and who care about me.

What advice would you give a beginner runner?
Don’t ever feel badly about having to walk, forward is forward.  You are in competition with no one but yourself.

What would you do differently knowing what you know now?
Nothing because I started learning ChiRunning with Lisa right away and now I get to hang out with her and all the other cool ladies.

What is your longest race distance and why?
Marine Corps Marathon because I was running for my uncle who is Marine and all my veteran friends.

Do you have a bucket list race or distance?
Run another race in Israel

What has been your favorite race and/or distance so far?
Army 10 Miler because I ran for my Dad but I also liked the Tel Aviv Half Marathon

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite post race food and drink?
Ice cold chocolate milk and any breakfast food

Anything else you want to share with the TRU TRIBE Run Team.
I love our tribe!

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TRU TRIBE Member Spotlight: Geri Clark

Every week we highlight one of our members from the TRU TRIBE Run Team. Meet Arizona ChiWalking Instructor Geri Clark.  If we can do it, so can you!

Why did you start running?
I am a walker, so all my answers will relate to walking! I started consistently began walking as my main form of exercise when I moved here to Arizona.  There were many walking trails close by and it was a great opportunity to get out and explore my new neighborhood and it just continued from there.

What age did you start running?

How old are you now?

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far from your running journey?
To take time to enjoy the journey. Not to be so concerned how far or how fast, but how much I am enjoying my time outdoors!

What advice would you give a beginner runner?
Be kind to yourself.  If you have not been active, take it one day at a time.  You are a work in progress!

What would you do differently knowing what you know now?
I would have gotten involved with the ChiWalking program much sooner!

What is your longest race distance and why?
I haven’t done any distance races.

Do you have a bucket list race or distance?
My bucket list walk at the moment is the Milford Track in New Zealand. I was planning on going the beginning of 2021, but that may have to be put off a little longer.

What has been your favorite race and/or distance so far?
My favorite places to walk/hike are in the McDowell Sonoran Preserves. There are so many trails to choose from that every time I go there it is a new experience.

What is your favorite color?
It varies, right now it’s Teal.

What is your favorite post race food and drink?
Don’t really have a consistent favorite!

Anything else you want to share with the TRU TRIBE Run Team.
Stay safe, stay healthy and stay active!

Follow Geri on Instagram here.

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TRU TRIBE Member Spotlight: Yuko Miyazawa

Every week we highlight one of our members from the TRU TRIBE Run Team. Meet Yuko Miyazawa.  If we can do it, so can you!

Why did you start running?
I started to run after saying “no” to my best friend, who has been organizing a running team in my church for 8 years.  I took my very first step because of a couple of reasons:  I wanted to start fitness to reduce my stress from single parenting and I wanted to do something big and challenging for a great cause.  The church running team has been a part of the organization called World Vision to raise awareness and funds to provide the clean water so kids in Africa do not need to walk 6km to fetch the dirty water and they would have a time to get educated.

What age did you start running?

How old are you now?

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far from your running journey?
With the right training, persistency and wisdom, we can overcome a big challenge like a marathon race.   Please note I was not an athlete and not a runner but I was able to cross the finish line.

What advice would you give a beginner runner?
You can accomplish your goal if you set your mind to it.  In an African proverb, it says “if you want to go faster, you go alone.  If you want to go further, you go together.”  I believe in the accountability, fellowship and encouragement from the team.  If you are a member in Tru Tribe or The Running University or ChiRunning/Walking, you have your team.  You can do it.  Believe in the training process and take one day at a time.

What would you do differently knowing what you know now?
I would definitely sign up for ChiRunning from the beginning and would ask the ChiRunning instructor (Coach Lisa) to help me on the basics.  I will also incorporate my running training with strengthening training.

What is your longest race distance and why?
2019 Chicago Marathon

Do you have a bucket list race or distance?
NYC Marathon, Mt. Fuji International Marathon

What has been your favorite race and/or distance so far?
6K (there is such a race not 5k) because I was able to relate my race to kids in Africa.  Also I was able to run faster due to the shorter distance than Marathon.

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite post race food and drink?
Krispy Kreme Donut, red grapefruit and Synergy Gingeraid  Kombucha (I cannot drunk alcohol) and anything salty

Anything else you want to share with the TRU TRIBE Run Team.
I love animals but especially cats. I am a fabulous cook.

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TRU TRIBE Member Spotlight: Carla Martinez

Every week we highlight one of our members from the TRU TRIBE Run Team. Meet Carla Martinez!  If we can do it, so can you!

Why did you start running?
I have always been an active person. I played sports as an adolescent, but I have gotten more serious about running over the past 10 years. I started with a few 5Ks with some friends but then saw a local half marathon race that benefited mammograms for under/uninsured women. I had never run that far before. A friend did the training with me and I got hooked. I loved the challenge that  running provided me mentally and physically. It was my escape. I knew it was something I could do solo and it was healthy. It became my me time especially as I became a mother.

What age did you start running?
Early 30’s

How old are you now?

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far from your running journey?
I have learned that you get better with time and experience and there is always something to learn about yourself. There are always challenges and room for growth.

What advice would you give a beginner runner?
Start small and build on it. Be kind to yourself and have patience.

What would you do differently knowing what you know now?
I would have gotten a Running Coach sooner.

What is your longest race distance and why?
A marathon because I wanted to see if I could.

Do you have a bucket list race or distance?
An ultra race and to run on the Great Wall of China.

What has been your favorite race and/or distance so far?
The Rock n Roll Half Marathon Las Vegas. They shut down the strip at night and the race was held there. The energy was amazing with all the spectators cheering the runners on and to run under the Vegas lights.

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite post race food and drink?
A beer and something salty.

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TRU TRIBE Member Spotlight: Amanda Hawkins

Every week we highlight one of our members from the TRU TRIBE Run Team. Meet Amanda Hawkins!  If we can do it, so can you!

Why did you start running?
My first kiddo was 2 years old and I desperately needed to reclaim some of my time. I signed up for the Aids Walk Phoenix and started following the Couch to 5k app. I’d go out around 8p at night to get out of doing kid bedtime routine. Oh, motherhood – ha! I was so proud that I finished the race without walking even though I could not keep up with the speed walkers. 🙃 .

What age did you start running?

How old are you now?

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far from your running journey?
That it’s so much better with friends and a community that is right there with you.

What advice would you give a beginner runner?
The advice I give EVERY beginner runner, come to track with me and meet Lisa! 🥳

What would you do differently knowing what you know now?
I wish I had started running earlier. It’s taken me years to get out of my head about not looking or feeling like a runner – being too slow. That it’s not about loosing weight because who freaking cares already, I hate that women spend so much time and energy on that.  Just move your body and appreciate everything it can do for you because it feels good and that’s enough.

What is your longest race distance and why?
25k @ McDowell Mountain Frenzy / Ladies training program with Lisa. I don’t remember why exactly, I think the training plan for it lined up nicely with Ragnar.

Do you have a bucket list race or distance?
Not a specific race or distance but I’d really LOVE to do a big through hike one day. Arizona trail for sure and maybe parts of the Pacific Crest Trail.

What has been your favorite race and/or distance so far?
I don’t really ever enjoy the actual race. What I do love is Lisa’s training programs, planning group runs, drinking beers afterwards, all the social parts and friends I’ve made, following a training plan, early morning solo runs on the canal in Gilbert… I do really love Ragnar McDowell though, my teams the last three years have been so amazing and I’m missing them now. Next year!

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite post race food and drink?
Freak Brothers vegan pizza and an ice cold seltzer please!

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TRU TRIBE Member Spotlight: Tracy Carlson

Every week we highlight one of our members from the TRU TRIBE Run Team. Meet Tracy Carlson!  If we can do it, so can you!

Why did you start running?
Friend registered for the first Rock and Roll marathon in Az and wanted to join her. Had never ran or walked before.

What age did you start running?

How old are you now?

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far from your running journey?
Have a positive mindset. Try. New experiences enhance your well being.  And have fun.

What advice would you give a beginner runner?
You can do it

What would you do differently knowing what you know now?

What is your longest race distance and why?
Marathon. Need to go the distance

Do you have a bucket list race or distance?
At least two races+ a year.

What has been your favorite race and/or distance so far?
I have several. NYC marathon. Great experience. Big Pines Double Down with great TRU TRIBE friends.

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite post race food and drink?
Banana and a beer

Anything else you want to share with the TRU TRIBE Run Team.
Push your limits

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TRU TRIBE Member Spotlight: Melinda Mulholland-Frei

Every week we highlight one of our members from the TRU TRIBE Run Team. Meet Melinda Mulholland-Frei!  If we can do it, so can you!

Why did you start running?
I started running after being diagnosed with Chronic Pancreatitis and COPD in the same year. After going through a bit of a period of inactivity (likely due to depression about said diagnosis) I decided I wanted to run to maintain good health. I was previously the one who hated running so much, I used to ditch PE class 🙂

What age did you start running?

How old are you now?

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far from your running journey?
This is about ME…not anyone else. I have huge competitive drive, but I will never be a lead runner, and in fact I have continued to get slower due to breathing and weight issues, I am a true back of the pack runner.

What advice would you give a beginner runner?
Seek a Coach (Lisa is a fabulous one!) to learn proper form, don’t compare yourself to others, find your tribe!!! It is amazing to have a supportive group rooting for you and supporting you.

What would you do differently knowing what you know now?
I would have sought instruction sooner. Stretch, stretch, stretch, and cross train

What is your longest race distance and why?
so far, 50k and did 3 of them last year within 4 months. I never would have thought I was capable of completing that distance, but what an amazing way to challenge your limits. Chronic disease can be a limitation, I wanted to prove to myself, I will not let my condition(s) define me.

Do you have a bucket list race or distance?
The Marine Corps Marathon is my Bucket List Race, I was signed up for the full this year through the National Pancreas Foundation as a Charity Partner. I was disappointed as they reduced the minimum pace for the live event, in an effort to reduce the field. They eventually changed the entire event to virtual due to Covid. I am still going to run the full marathon virtually here in AZ, and raise funds for the National Pancreas Foundation. It will obviously not be the same as running in historic DC

What has been your favorite race and/or distance so far?
That is a hard question! I love all the Vacations Races half marathons I have completed, Tetons, Grand Canyon, Zion both day and night trail, Smoky Mountains, Lake Powell, fixed time are great to see how many miles you can accomplish overall, and visit/have fun doing so without the technical trail challenge

What is your favorite color?
I have previously said I don’t really have one, Purple has a special meaning to me not only is it TRU Tribe color, but it is also the color for Pancreatic Disease Awareness

What is your favorite post race food and drink?
Any Juicy IPA (beer can count as food, right?) 🙂

Anything else you want to share with the TRU TRIBE Run Team.
I have met some amazing people through TRU Tribe, so happy to have found this community and be part of this amazing group of wonderful, supportive women!

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TRU TRIBE Member Spotlight: Alina Wingstad

Every week we highlight one of our members from the TRU TRIBE Run Team. Meet Alina Wingstad!  If we can do it, so can you!

Why did you start running?
I’ve started and stopped running so many times; I’m not sure I even remember what prompted me to run in the first place.  I do know that (for me) life is always better when it includes running.  I think that’s why I keep coming back for more.

What age did you start running?
I started at these ages: 13 ,18 ,20 ,25 ,27 ,30 ,35 ,40 ,45 ,50 ,51,52,53, 54! 🤣

How old are you now?

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far from your running journey?
It’s a ULTRA marathon, not a sprint.

What advice would you give a beginner runner?
Keep it simple. A short run is better than no run.

What would you do differently knowing what you know now?
Stop the “all or nothing” thinking.  A little bit done consistently IS the difference.

What is your longest race distance and why?
I did a trail run in Colorado 25 + years ago.  I can’t remember the distance precisely. I know it was longer than a marathon, but less than 50.  Maybe 50K?  It was awesome.

Do you have a bucket list race or distance?
Please don’t get me going…I better listen to my advice and start back with some baby size buckets. Goal #1: Running 10 minutes without stopping. Goal #10: Any of the true tribe fall semester races.

What has been your favorite race and/or distance so far?

What is your favorite color?
Yellow!  💛

What is your favorite post race food and drink?
I won’t decline a cold, post race beer. Ever.

Anything else you want to share with the TRU TRIBE Run Team.
Thank you for being so welcoming. I am looking forward to being part of this group and super excited (and a tiny bit nervous) to be on this journey with you all!

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