Is Sitting Really The New Smoking?

They say sitting is the new smoking. What we do with our bodies all day effects us when we are walking and running.⁠
In my latest video, I give you a quick tip on how you can maximize the time you spend sitting on your butt all day in under 2 minutes.

When you first start lifting from the crown of your head, make sure you do this for small periods of time. You are working out your core muscles with this practice so you want to do it gradually. I recommend setting a phone reminder or alarm every hour to mindfully practice this for a minute or two to get used to it.

Bonus Tip: I work on this while I’m sitting in my car as well. I lift my rear view mirror up a little higher to keep my spine lengthened. I bring the back of the chair a little closer so I do allow the seat to help me but I’m still doing the work just with a bit of assistance.

There you have it! I am just relaunching my You Tube channel so head over to subscribe because I’ll be dropping a new video every week!

Let me know if you try these tips and they work for you!