TRU TRIBE Member Spotlight: Jill Osborne

Every week I pull up the Member Engagement report to see who has engaged the most the week before who hasn’t been nominated yet.  This week we meet Jill Osborne!

Why did you start running?
This should be an easy question! I am not sure there is one reason. My good friend, Mindy Buckey, is a runner.  I guess that she inspired me.  She loves it and feels good after running.  I also want to feel strong and independent.  Mindy is my biggest inspiration.

What age did you start running?
Age 61.  I have tried and failed several times in the past but this time my start is for real. This time I am ready.

How old are you now?

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far from your running journey?
I can do it!  I have enjoyed getting out and proving to myself that I am stronger than I think I am.

What advice would you give a beginner runner?
Start!  “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain

What would you do differently knowing what you know now?
Silly me! I should have started years ago.

What is your longest race distance and why?
I have walked and hiked a lot!!  I have walked (with a tiny bit of running) in three half marathons.  I love long hikes – 15 to 18 miles.  Each time I got to explore the outdoors, be with friends and feel empowered because I was able to do it.  The joy I get when I am outside with friends makes me want to do it again and again!

Do you have a bucket list race or distance?
Running a half marathon in under 3 hours would be a thrill for me.  I am not sure it is a true bucket list item, but it would be fun.

What has been your favorite race and/or distance so far?
I have enjoyed every race I have completed – 3 times with Rock ‘n Roll Half marathon and a shorter Hot Chocolate race.  What ever I am doing at the moment, is my favorite!

What is your favorite color?
Guess it has to be purple!  😉

What is your favorite post race food and drink?
Bai Coconut water! Love it!

Anything else you want to share with the TRU TRIBE Run Team.
I am excited to be part of the TRU Tribe.  Meeting new people and feeling the strength of the collective energy of TRU Tribe during stressful COVID times is fabulous.  I am eager to continue learning about running and being part of a strong group of women

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TRU TRIBE Member Spotlight: Christine Currie

Every week I pull up the Member Engagement report to see who has engaged the most the week before who hasn’t been nominated yet.  This week we meet Christine Currie!

Why did you start running?
I’ve been running since high school to compete in track and field. I have continued through the years – off and on as life has allowed.

What age did you start running?

How old are you now?

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far from your running journey?
How fast time goes by when I’m on the “off-cycle” of my running journey and how I hate starting over again.

What advice would you give a beginner runner?
Take your time and listen to your body – the running journey is a long one.

What would you do differently knowing what you know now?
I would have started the run/walk method sooner.

What is your longest race distance and why?
My longest race has been a 1/2 marathon and I typically do them to encourage others, cheer them along, and make sure they finish.

Do you have a bucket list race or distance?
My bucket list is from years ago – all of the Vacation Races that are in National Parks.  I’ve signed up for several and had to cancel due to a house fire but ready to start running them again.  I’ve done 3 and they were all absolutely fabulous venues.

What has been your favorite race and/or distance so far?
Kona Half Marathon – I’ve done it 6 times and it’s always super difficult because of the heat and hills – but I try and try again.  I run the Kona 1/2 Marathon with a dear friend who is now 82 and we always cross the finish line together with smiles on our faces.  My husband is always at the Kona 1/2 finish line cheering us on an making sure there is water for everyone.

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite post race food and drink?
Hammer Recoverite – Vegan Vanilla

Anything else you want to share with the TRU TRIBE Run Team.
I want to thank Lisa for all of her support and timeless hours she spends helping others. I’ve met so many beautiful ladies through TRU TRIBE and you all mean so much to me.

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TRU TRIBE Member Spotlight: Amy Howell

Every week I pull up the Member Engagement report to see who has engaged the most the week before who hasn’t been nominated yet.  This week we meet Amy Howell!

Why did you start running?
A friend challenged me to join her for a Sprint distance Triathlon in San Diego – there may have been alcohol involved when I agreed to do this…it was fun and after a few races, I decided I wasn’t going to die from running, so I kept at it.

What age did you start running?

How old are you now?
Soon to be 56

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far from your running journey?
That it’s ok to be slower than others and that everyone gets the same beer at the finish line, no matter what place you finish. .

What advice would you give a beginner runner?
Have fun, don’t take yourself too seriously, don’t compare yourself to everyone else. Enjoy the ride and take lots of pictures!

What would you do differently knowing what you know now?
My motto used to be “Finish and don’t be last”, but now, it’s all about creating memories with friends and supporting them along the way

What is your longest race distance and why?
Half Marathon – why?  Because that’s all I want to train for.  They are my go to destination distance – it’s just far enough to make the travel there (wherever that may be) part of the fun.

Do you have a bucket list race or distance?
Not really.  I’m up for traveling (once we can) anywhere that seems like a fun or interesting destination for a race . .

What has been your favorite race and/or distance so far?
Loved the Shipyard Half Marathon in Portland, ME a couple of years ago. Have always had a great time at the Rock N Roll Las Vegas Half – it was my 1st Half Marathon ever

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite post race food and drink?
Beer and something from the breakfast food group!

Anything else you want to share with the TRU TRIBE Run Team.
The ladies that I have met along this journey have helped to sustain me in some difficult times this year and I am forever grateful for their love and support (and the miles).

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TRU TRIBE Member Spotlight: Ricci Cox

Every week I pull up the Member Engagement report to see who has engaged the most the week before who hasn’t been nominated yet.  This week we meet Ricci Cox

Why did you start running?
I started running to get `me` time away from my niece and nephew.

What age did you start running?

How old are you now?

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far from your running journey?
Never give up.

What advice would you give a beginner runner?
Learn what works best for you and never give up.

What would you do differently knowing what you know now?
I would start running sooner, I see things around me now when I run that I never took notice of before. I am more aware.

What is your longest race distance and why?
50K I wanted to do a 50K for my birthday.

Do you have a bucket list race or distance?
I want to tackle Javelina Jundred next year before we move back to Texas. .

What has been your favorite race and/or distance so far?
Copper Corridor , it was so beautiful

What is your favorite color?
Aggie Maroon

What is your favorite post race food and drink?

Anything else you want to share with the TRU TRIBE Team.
Believe in yourself,  run for yourself and above all have fun!

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TRU TRIBE Member Spotlight: Stephanie Bianchi

Every week we highlight one of our members from the TRU TRIBE Run Team. Meet Stephanie Bianchi.  If we can do it, so can you!

Why did you start running?
I was on a weight loss journey with WW and my young teenage niece was a runner, I figured if I could train and run a 5k we could do it together. We ran many 5k’s, 10k’s, our 1st half marathon and a few more.

What age did you start running?

How old are you now?

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far from your running journey?
If I put my mind to it I can do pretty much anything and I’m stronger than I thought.

What advice would you give a beginner runner?
Just keep moving. It doesn’t matter how fast, or if you have to walk, just keep moving forward. Forward is a Pace! .

What would you do differently knowing what you know now?
Originally I wasn’t running during the winters, (New Hampshire is cold!) but trying to learn to run again the next spring was terrible!

What is your longest race distance and why?
100k (The Hamsterwheel in New Boston, NH) Why? Well I guess to see if I could do it. Also for the fun, when all of your friends are runners it becomes a large party on the trail and a trail party is always the best!

Do you have a bucket list race or distance?
I would love to do Javelina Jundred! I crewed 5 runners there 2 years ago. I was supposed to do the 100k but was very sick so I crewed and even sick it was the most fun I have had at a race.

What has been your favorite race and/or distance so far?
Half marathon is my favorite. I have done 18 or 20 halves since I started running  .

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite post race food and drink?
Short races, breakfast food. Long crazy races, burgers and fries. As far as drink, milk. Though some friends have a tradition of a Tequila shot after an ultra, crew and runners.

Anything else you want to share with the TRU TRIBE Run Team.
As much as I like being a runner, I absolutely love crewing ultras, any ultra. Crewing is my jam!

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TRU TRIBE Member Spotlight: Anne Iniguez

Every week we highlight one of our members from the TRU TRIBE Run Team. Meet Anne Iniguez.  If we can do it, so can you!

Why did you start running?
I mostly started running wanting something to do. I liked the challenge of seeing what I could do and it kind of took off from there

What age did you start running?
I ran in high school but didn’t pick it up seriously until I was in my 30’s after I had my kids

How old are you now?

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far from your running journey?
The biggest lesson I’ve learned so far is just to keep going. Don’t question everything and put labels on it. If you’re moving you’re a runner.

What advice would you give a beginner runner?
This goes along with what I’ve learned don’t get in your head about it. If your feet are moving that’s great! Don’t put any other qualifiers to it. You’re not good or bad you’re just running .

What would you do differently knowing what you know now?
I think I would have gone with my gut more. I knew early on that my form and the way I ran was off but when I sought out help everyone would just say you’re fine. Lisa was a game changer for me.

What is your longest race distance and why?
half marathon mostly because of the time it takes to train for longer distances. I am going to school while working and raising kids so something’s gotta give. 🙂  .

Do you have a bucket list race or distance?
I would love to do longer distances but again when I’m free. I’m going with my gut for now, but I’d love to do a marathon or ultramarathon. I love challenges

What has been your favorite race and/or distance so far?
I really love the 10K it’s long but still pretty fun.  .

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite post race food and drink?
I’m a pretty weird eater. I love my protein shakes and I honestly will eat whatever is put in front of me post race so it’s usually what my kids will eat.

Anything else you want to share with the TRU TRIBE Run Team.
You guys are such a wonderful and positive group of women I love hearing your stories and questions. In the current state of the world it’s nice to have a haven like this.

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TRU TRIBE Member Spotlight: Melinda Striyle

Every week we highlight one of our members from the TRU TRIBE Run Team. Meet Melinda Striyle.  If we can do it, so can you!

Why did you start running?
Initially, I started running to get back into shape after my son was born as well as to help alleviate stress

What age did you start running?
I’ve dabbled in running since I was around 14, but started seriously running at age 44. My brother started posting pics of the 5K’s he was doing and it looked like fun.  So I found a local 5K that blended my new found love of running with my long-running (pun definitely intended) love of wine.  This was back in 2016.  Once I crossed the finish line, I was hooked on racing!  I still have that first medal up on my wall!

How old are you now?
I will be 50 in just a few months and I’m healthier now than I was in my 20’s!

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far from your running journey?
It’s my journey.  My pace, my body, my heart, my soul.  I can’t run like someone else and no one can run like me.  Learning to love where I’m at in my running journey and accepting that my running outcome (pace, stamina, whatever) as the special gift that it truly is

What advice would you give a beginner runner?
Be kind and patient with yourself.  Push yourself for sure but remember that your journey is yours and you need to let it unfold in its own time

What would you do differently knowing what you know now?
I’d have started running with other people much sooner.  I was always so intimidated to run with a group or even with just one other person.  I always felt so slow and embarrassed about my pace, my form, etc.  I figured folks would be annoyed and want to run ahead.  Boy was I wrong!  Most folks in the running community are great!  Running with others is about being together doing something we both enjoy.  It’s fun to push each other as well as just relax and let the run unfold as it will

What is your longest race distance and why?
So far I’ve run a handful of 1/2 marathons.  Initially, just to prove to myself I could do it (yep.. still have that medal up on my wall as well!).  I ran that race by myself.  I’d only been running about a year.  I went to the race alone, I ran alone, I crossed the finish line alone and I drove home alone.  And I felt GREAT.  It was so far out of my comfort zone to do something like this.. it broke a lot of mental barriers for me.

Do you have a bucket list race or distance?
I have 2… The first is to complete a full marathon.  I’m 0 for 2 at attempts thanks to injuries.  My next go at it is (Covid permitting) the Maui Marathon in April.  It’s special to me b/c it’s in our 50th state, it’s the 50th annual Maui Marathon and it’s literally just a couple days before I turn 50. The second is to complete Disney’s Dopey Challenge… Jan 2022 (again, Covid permitting)

What has been your favorite race and/or distance so far?
Hmmmm…  For the shear beauty of it… the Mt Nebo 1/2 marathon just outside of Provo, Utah But overall.. so far is the Xterra Black Canyon run  in March.  It’s a beautiful run and my son always runs it with me..

What is your favorite color?
Dark Green

What is your favorite post race food and drink?
Anything as long as I’m with good friends

Anything else you want to share with the TRU TRIBE Run Team.
To me, running is so much more than just a physical activity.  It’s the fuel my soul needs for me to feel complete, to feel grounded. Over the years, I have met some amazing people and made some lifelong friends.  Most of them at the “back of the pack”.  I have learned that anyone who runs IS a runner.  A mile’s a mile whether it takes 5 minutes or 15 minutes.  I have a lot of respect for the work it takes to be at the front of the pack.  I have even more respect for the work it takes, both physically, mentally and emotionally to be in the back.  It’s taken me a long time to accept my body for what it can do as well as what it can’t do.  Not only do I love who I am, I love my body, I love my flaws and I love the journey I am on.  And I love that we can come together in this TRU Tribe community as friends, as sisters with full acceptance of who we are, where we are and as we are.  Thank you, Lisa, for building this community of amazing women!

Dr. Melinda Striyle also owns 43rd Ave Animal Hospital!

website: 43rd Ave Animal Hospital
facebook: 43rd Ave Animal Hospital
instagram: 43rd Ave Animal Hospital

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TRU TRIBE Member Spotlight: Karna Loffing

Every week we highlight one of our members from the TRU TRIBE Run Team. Meet Karna Loffing.  If we can do it, so can you!

Karna on the left

Why did you start running?
I was envious of people that I saw out running. It just looked like it would be so nice! Even though running had always been hard for me l got it in my head that I was going to become one of those people!

What age did you start running?

How old are you now?

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far from your running journey?
That it takes work but consistency pays off. You get out of it what you put in. Just like so many things in life!

What advice would you give a beginner runner?
Don’t compare yourself to anyone. There will always be faster people out there so enjoy your journey.

What would you do differently knowing what you know now?
Honestly, nothing. I’ve learned so much about myself through running and have met some amazing people!

What is your longest race distance and why?
Longest road race has been marathon and longest trail is 25k. Once I started running races I just continued to build up to longer distances. I enjoyed seeing how far I could push myself.

Do you have a bucket list race or distance?
I still have in my head that I will complete a 50k

What has been your favorite race and/or distance so far?
My current favorite race is Copper Canyon. Favorite distance has always been around 15k. Feels like you accomplished something but at the same time don’t feel too worn out .

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite post race food and drink?
Water and beer!  Veggie burger and fries are always satisfying after a long race.

Anything else you want to share with the TRU TRIBE Run Team.
I am so happy I found Lisa and all of you ladies. This is a great group!

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TRU TRIBE Member Spotlight: Debra Allen

Every week we highlight one of our members from the TRU TRIBE Run Team. Meet Debra Allen.  If we can do it, so can you!


Why did you start running?
Signed up to run with Team in Training raising money for Lukemia.. can’t remember what year but a long time ago..

What age did you start running?
30.. guessing..again I don’t remember

How old are you now?
65..and this is why I can’t remember 😁

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far from your running journey?
Slow is ok..

What advice would you give a beginner runner?
Build your base to keep healthy from injuries

What would you do differently knowing what you know now?
Start with a heart rate monitor

What is your longest race distance and why?
50 miles..Zane Grey..

Do you have a bucket list race or distance?
Signed up for a100 miler Feb 2021

What has been your favorite race and/or distance so far?
I am not built for fast and short distances so like the longer distance runs.. can’t think of a favorite, they are all interesting .

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite post race food and drink?

Anything else you want to share with the TRU TRIBE Run Team.
All you ladies inspire me

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TRU TRIBE Member Spotlight: Rocio Carroll

Every week we highlight one of our members from the TRU TRIBE Run Team. Meet Rocio Carroll.  If we can do it, so can you!

Why did you start running?
Because I needed “ME” time.  When I started running my life was really busy, with  work, children, husband and keeping up with the house, running is all about me.

What age did you start running?

How old are you now?

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far from your running journey?
Running is the best therapy for your soul and your body.  

What advice would you give a beginner runner?
Take your time, don’t rush.   If you decide to train for a race, go for it, but always make sure you enjoy the journey no matter what.

What would you do differently knowing what you know now?
Focus on injury prevention.  The more we work on it, the longer years we’ll run

What is your longest race distance and why?
26.2, my best friend was my inspiration.  She was fighting for her life after an aneurysm burst, she  has been running her own race to recovery.  I decided to train and run a race in her honor.

Do you have a bucket list race or distance?
Boston, I know is a long shot.  One can only dream, sometimes dreams come true 🙂

What has been your favorite race and/or distance so far?
My Solo Marathon in May of 2020.  This pandemic didn’t stop me from accomplishing it.

What is your favorite color?
Ocean blue

What is your favorite post race food and drink?
A nice set of pancakes or smoothie with berries and spinach.

Anything else you want to share with the TRU TRIBE Run Team.
I like to inspire others to run. We don’t need to be the fastest runner, it is about the journey and accomplishment. It is something we do for us and can’t be taken it away. My biggest accomplishment running was to inspire my family (Husband and two daughters 12 and 15 yrs old) to train and run a Half Marathon together in 2013.

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